InGOS/ICOS Technical Experts Workshop on non-CO2 Eddy-Covariance Greenhouse Gas Flux Measurements

The InGOS / ICOS Technical Experts Workshop on non-CO2 Eddy-Covariance Greenhouse Gas Flux Measurements  will be held 09.-11.06.2015, Dragør, Denmark.

InGOS Technical Experts Workshop location

Non CO2 greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes are often small and vary substantially in space and time. As a consequence, their measurement pushes existing flux techniques, such as chamber and micrometeorological flux approaches, to the limit. To enhance the quality of services provided by the participating research infrastructures within the InGOS and ICOS networks, this workshop will bring technical experts together to discuss and document the state of the art in non-CO2 GHG flux measurements. The workshop will support the development of a measurement protocol for Non-CO2 GHG flux measurements with the eddy covariance method within the ICOS framework.

Specific topics of the workshop

  • Challenges to determine non CO2-GHG concentrations: accuracy and precision, spectral response and noise, cross-sensitivities with other fluctuating gasses (H2O), fast response sensors (Topic 1)
  • Eddy covariance and gradient system design, flux data processing and correction (Topic 2)
  • Total uncertainty of flux estimation, flux detection limits and their main factors, flux data gap filling (Topic 3)

Venue and registration

The workshop will be held in the Dragør Badeholtel (Drogdensvej 43, 2791 Dragør Denmark,, E-mail:, which is very close to Copenhagen Airport. The costs include solely accommodation (2 nights), meals and use of facilities are 400 € per participant, of which InGOS will pay 100 €.

Please register by Monday, 13 April 2015 by mail to Andreas Ibrom (

Workshop programme and Schedule

09.06.2015 10.06.2015 11.06.2015
  (08:30) Topic 2: 4 scientific presentations (12 + 3 minutes)

(09:30) BOSII: continues

(08:30) Plenum:

T01- T12 (5+5) reports from BOS

  (10:30) Break (10:30) Break
  (11:00) BOS III: flux calculation and correction

T07: closed-path sensors: cross-sensitivity with H2O and correction for density fluctuations

T08: open-path sensors: correction for density fluctuations (WPL)

T09: spectral correction and uncertainty estimation

(11:00) Plenum: synthesis and Organisation of work and closing the workshop
(12:00) arrival and registration (12:30 – 14:00) lunch 12:00 Lunch and departure
(13:00) Plenum:

Welcome ( 5) Andreas

Aim and structure of the Non-CO2 GHG eddy covariance protocol (20 + 20) Eiko

Breakout sessions (BOS) approach and deliverables (15) Andreas


(14:00) Topic 1: 4 scientific presentations (12 + 3 minutes)

14:00 Topic 3: 4 scientific presentations (12 + 3 minutes)


(13:30 – 16:00) Meeting of the main authors of the protocol


(15:00) Break (15:00) break  
(15:30 -17:00) BOS I: theory, sensor and system design

T01: definitions of variables and required system specifications

T02: closed path sensors set-up

T03: open-path sensors set-up


(17:00-18:00) BOS II: field measurements and data flow

T04: calibration and maintenance

T05: ancillary measurements

T06: data formats and online data transmission

(15: 30 – 17:00) BOS IV: remaining issues

T10: time-lag estimation and detection limit

T11: data gap filling

T12: compatibility with other standards


(17:00-18:00) Preparation of BOS reports

18:00 Dinner 18:00 Dinner  


PDF for printing: InGOS-ICOS Technical Experts Workshop on non-CO2 Eddy-Covariance Greenhouse Gas Flux Measurements

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