As an EU project the consortium is obliged to deliver the progress of the project in a visible way, e.g. as data sets, method descriptions, inter comparisons, recommendation reports, or peer-reviewed publications. Some of those deliverables are restricted to the consortium due to confidential reasons, others are available for the interested public. Please find the list of the public deliverables below. They will be published in the run of the project between as soon as they are accepted by the consortium and the EU.
D1.1: Organisation of the Kickoff Meeting
D1.2: InGOS webportal
D1.3: Detailed description of the InGOS infrastructures offering TNA
D1.10: Greenhouse gas measurement workshop
D1.11: N2O skills workshop
D1.12: Summerschool “Flux measurement techniques for non‐CO2 GHG: methods, sensors, databases and modeling”
D2.2: Consolidated harmonized historical records of CH4 and H2 from up to 22 stations
D2.3: Consolidated harmonized historical records of N2O from up to 22 stations
D2.4: Comparison results of 222Rn daughter measurements form up to 5 stations
D3.1: Method for quality control for all stations implemented
D3.2: Rear-real time data of the first 10 stations available at the webpage
D3.3: First ICP report on comparability of CH4, N2O, SF6 and H2 measurements within the InGOS network
D3.4: Near-real time data available at the webpage for all stations
D3.5: Report on the feasibility of a traveling instrument for quality control of in situ measurements
D3.6: 2nd ICP report on comparability of CH4, N2O, SF6 and H2 measurements
D4.5: Recommendations for good practice of atmospheric halocarbon measurements
D4.7: Round-robin inter comparison with ensemble of 4 standards with different concentrations
D4.8: Internally consistent data set of halocarbon measurements
D4.10: Round-robin intercomparison with ensemble of 4 standards with different concentrations
D4.11: Internally consistent data set of halocarbon measurements
D4.12: Internally consistent data set of halocarbon measurements
D5.1: Results from the CH4 eddy-covariance inter-comparison campaign in database
D5.2: Summerschool “Flux measurement techniques for non‐CO2 GHG: methods, sensors, databases and modeling”
D5.3: Report from 1st expert workshop on CH4/N2O flux measurements
D5.4: Results from the N2O chamber calibration
D5.5: Results from the N2O eddy-covariance inter-comparison campaign in database
D5.6: Published recommendations on non-CO2 CH4/N2O flux measurements and gap filling
D5.8: Report from 2nd expert workshop on CH4/N2O flux measurements
D6.1: Report on test of OA-ICOS / equilibrator system
D6.2: Report on inter-comparison exercise
D6.3: Report on time series data
D6.4: Report on VOS line data
D6.5: Report on hydrographic section data
D6.6: Memento data report
D13.1: Report on field trials of CH4 DIAL system at tall tower Angus
D13.3: Dataset on vertical concentration profiles at tall tower Angus
D13.4: Comparison of low cost GC with other GHG instrumentation at Weybourne or similar TNA stations
D13.5: Dataset of flux observation using the gradient/REA systems
D13.6: Report on the performance of concentration measurements by is-FTIR
D13.7: Reprot on the performance of is-FTIR flux systems
D13.8: Final report of the performance of the low cost GC system
D13.9: Report on the performance of new optical system for concentration and flux measurements
D14.2: Report on the impact of different parameters on the GOSAT
D14.3: Report on instrumental comparability across TCCON-Europe
D14.4: Provision of a corrected, calibrated GOSAT CH4 product
D14.5: Report about the comparison of GOSAT and ACE-FTS satellite retrievals with TCCON-Europe retrievals
D14.6: Report on the comparison of modelled 3D CH4 fields with remote sensing data
D14.7: Final TCCON-Europe dataset of XCH4 and tropospheric XCH4
D14.8: Evaluation report including recommendation for ICOS implementation of TCCON-CH4 data
D16.1: Dual QC laser setup with a precision of 0.1 permil (d13C-CH4) and 1 permil (dD-CH4) at 2 ppm CH4
D16.2: Laser system for delta13C-CH4 purchased and ready for field deployment
D16.3: IRMS with a precision of 0.1 permil (d13C-CH4) and 1 permil (dD-CH4) at 2 ppm CH4 ready for field deployment
D16.5: Field data evaluated, isotopic signatures determined and results published
D16.6: Isotope scale for CH4 linked to international reference materials
D17.1: Report on the identification of new HFCs with potential for large-scale industrial usage
D17.2: Report evaluating the potential developments and highest impact for upgrading GCMS-based technology
D17.3: Guidance using ToF-MS for measurements of halocarbons at European atmospheric measurement stations
D17.5: Report on developments for upgrading GCMS technology for long-term measurements of halocarbons
D18.1: Footprint estimates and climatology for all sites in WP
D18.2: Annual data set from tall tower fluxes
D18.3: Annual data sets from concentration and gradient-based fluxes
D18.4: Data sets from EC flux systems in short towers
D18.5: Data sets from chambers
D18.6: Annual data sets from tall tower fluxes
D18.7: Annual data sets from concentration and garden-based fluxes
D18.8: Complete regional scale estimates of CH4 and N2O balances
D18.9: Complete assessment of ecosystem-actie periods for CH4 and N2O
abridged DoW version 6 December 2011