Phase 1
First phase of NA2 is the gathering of the meta-data for all stations, Sam Hammer has prepared a template questionnaire which we want you to fill in for your site(s). You will need this information as basis for correction and documentation of the “historic” data of your station(s) (i.e. the data available from 2001 to 2011). Also you are provided with a pre-filled-in example for the Heidelberg measurement site. Please make sure to include all data which might be relevant for the correction of your records, because our template may not be exhaustive. The station list for which we together have to submit the data can be found here.
The deadline for submission of the filled-in template is February 1st, 2012. This will give us here in Heidelberg the chance to go through your questionnaires and prepare for comments and a discussion of problems during the ICOS instrumentation workshop in Gif on February 16 – 17, 2012.
Please download here the template and the filled in example template either as Word or as Excel file for Heidelberg from here:
InGOS_WP2_Questionnaire_template as Word file
InGOS_WP2_Questionnaire_template as Excel file
After filling in submit your file through the following form. The file will be stored in the database and automatically sent to Sam Hammer.