Lund University is hiring 3 IT specialists for work in climate and environmental research. All vacancies are permanent positions, and are based at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (INES) in Lund, Sweden.
* 1 system architect for the ICOS Carbon Portal (Ref NPA 2014/385)
* 1 software engineer for the ICOS Carbon Portal (Ref NPA 2014/386) (closed)
* 1 scientific programmer for support to the INES modeling groups (Ref NPA 2014/376) (closed)
The ICOS Carbon Portal is a part of ICOS, a new European infrastructure within the atmospheric sciences focusing on greenhouse gases. The Carbon Portal is the distribution channel for ICOS data, and will offer advanced tools for search and discovery, visualization of data and results, and interfaces for downloading ICOS data products. Questions about the Carbon Portal should be addressed to Alex Vermeulen ( and Anders Lindroth (
The modeling groups at INES work with the development and application of computer-based models for simulation of vegetation, ecosystems and climate in Europe and on a global scale. Questions about the modeling group activities should be addressed to Ben Smith (
Note that two applications should be submitted by August 17, 2014. The System Architect submission deadline is September 1, 2014.