InGOS – International conference – Program overview

Monday, September 21: InGOS Final Meeting

9.00 Optional: Parallel WP sessions on demand
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Parallel WP sessionsWP6WP13WP14WP15
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Welcome

InGOS: success in 100 minutes!

13.40  WP1 & WP7 & WP8 & WP9 & WP10

13.50     WP2 & WP3

14.00     WP12

14.10     WP4 & WP17

14.20     WP11 & WP16

14.30     WP5 & WP18

14.40     WP6

14.50     WP13

15.00     WP14

15.10     WP15

15.30 Coffee break
16.00 Constructors meeting – Finalizing InGOS
19.00 SAB meeting
20.0022.00 Ice–breaker

Tuesday, September 22: Measurement innovations and data harmonization

8.30 Walking in
9.00 Parallel WP sessionsWP2 & WP3WP4 & WP17WP11 & WP16WP5 & WP18
10.30 Coffee break

Session 1: Observation platforms

11.00 Keynote speaker: Toshinobu Machida – Observation of atmospheric CH4 using aircraft platform
11.30 Helfter – Ship-borne observations of trace gas concentrations at the UK outflow
11.45 Holst – Airborne measurements of greenhouse gas fluxes in subarctic regions
12.00 Vermeulen – Improvements of the Spectronus FTIR instrument for application in static mode at tall towers
12.15 Zazzeri – The use of mobile measurements to track regional sources of Methane Emissions in the UK
12.30 Lunch

Session 2: Long–time and large scale observation

13.30 Keynote speaker: Ed Dlugokencky – What have we learned from three decades of atmospheric CH4 measurements
14.00 Paris – Integrated Carbon Observing System – greenhouse gas observations for GEO and Copernicus
14.15 Zhou – High accuracy measurement of non-CO2 greenhouse gases and application in China
14.30 Barlow – Observed changes in the amplitude and phase of the methane seasonal cycle at high northern latitudes

Session 3: QA and data harmonization / storage

14.45 Hammer – Data harmonization and quality management for atmospheric GHG measurements- what have we learned in the InGOS project?
15.00 Tarasova – Global framework for observations and analysis of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere Global Atmosphere Watch Programme
15.15 Nicolini – Experimental assessment of storage variability for different GHGs- implications for eddy covariance measurements
15.30 Coffee break

Poster session


Wednesday, September 23 – From measurement to policy making

8.30 Walking in

Session 4: Halocarbon observations

9.00 Reimann – Fourth Generation Anthropogenic Halogenated Greenhouse Gases
9.15 Martin – InGOS Halocarbon Round Robin Intercomparison (IHRRI)
9.30 Schoenenberger – Recently discovered halogenated greenhouse gases HCFC-31 and HCFC-133a in the atmosphere
9.45 Engel – Regular GC-TOF observations at Taunus Observatory and Mace Head
10.00 Bielewski – Changes in CFCs and SF6 concentration in air of southern Poland
10.15 Laube – Atmospheric lifetime implications for SF6 from stratospheric observations
10.30 Coffee break

Session 5: Novel tracers: Isotopes and Multi–tracer methods

11.00 Eyer – Real-time analysis of δ13C- and δD-CH4 in ambient air with laser spectroscopy- Method development and intercomparison
11.15 Röckmann – Field measurements of the isotopic composition of atmospheric methane with IRMS at the Cabauw tower
11.30 Monteil – Modelling the variability of atmospheric CH4 and δ13C-CH4 over Europe
11.45 Frank – Methane and its isotopologues simulated with a chemistry-climate model to evaluate the atmospheric burden and the uncertainty of emissions
12.00 Nisbet – The use of C-isotopes in understanding the growth in atmospheric methane 2007-14
12.15 Kooijmans – Understanding COS fluxes in a boreal forest- towards COS-based GPP estimates
12.30 Lunch

Session 6: Flux measurements, ecosystem–scale and process studies

13.30 Keynote speaker: Torben Christensen – Reducing uncertainty in methane emission estimates from permafrost environments
14.00 Halmeenmäki – Revealing sources of CH4 in a boreal upland forest
14.15 Sonderfeld – Methane emissions from a UK landfill site – Emission ratios and flux estimation
14.30 Kiese – 3 years of N2O and CH4 exchange of intensive and extensive managed pre-alpine grassland ecosystems- current vs. climate change conditions
14.45 Bureau – Combining three different methodologies to quantify N2O emissions at the landscape scale on the OS2 INGOS site (Central France)
15.00 Cowan – Improved understanding of agricultural N2O emissions using a combination of chambers together with eddy covariance flux measurements
15.15 Loubet – Bottom-up and top-down approaches at the landscape scale, over a mixed landscape
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 Pihlatie – Seasonal and diurnal variation in CO fluxes from an agricultural bioenergy crop
16.15 van Asperen – The use of FTIR-spectrometry to measure (greenhouse) gas fluxes at ecosystem scale

Session 7: Climate change and its effect in a socio–economic context

16.30 Keynote: Susan Buckingham – Mitigating Climate Change through gender sensitivity
17.00 Blok – There are many roads to Paris
17.15 Velders – Future atmospheric abundances and climate forcings from scenarios of global and regional hydrofluorocarbon (HFCs) emissions
20.0022.00 Conference Dinner at “Winkel van Sinkel”

Thursday, September 24

From local scale to European maps

8.30 Walking in

Session 8: Emissions on non–CO2 greenhouse gases: oceanic process studies

9.00 Keynote speaker: to be announced
9.30 Bange – The ocean as a source of N2O and CH4
9.45 Arevalo-Martinez – Nitrous oxide emissions from eastern boundary ecosystems – Case studies from Peru and Benguela upwelling regions
10.00 Lavric – South African TRace gas Experiment (SATRE) –Coordinated continuous ocean-atmosphere measurements onboard the RV METEOR
10.15 Rehder – Automated trace gas monitoring on a ship of opportunity in the Baltic Sea
10.30 Coffee break

Session 9: Remote sensing observations

11.00 Boesch – Remote sensing of methane from the ground, air and space
11.15 Hu – Satellite remote sensing of methane from GOSAT to TROPOMI measurements
11.30 Chen – AirCore, aircraft, and FTS measurement campaign at Sodankylä
11.45 Warneke – Ground based remote sensing of greenhouse gases – recent developments and their use for satellite and model validation
12.00 Hase – A novel portable FTIR spectrometer for the observation of CH4 and CO2 sources
12.15 Bovensmann – Detection and quantification of Methane and CO2 hot spot emissions with MAMAP aircraft observations
12.30 Lunch

Session 10: Inverse modelling

13.30 Ostler – The imprint of stratospheric transport on column-averaged methane
13.45 Bergamaschi – Inverse modelling of European CH4 and N2O emissions using different inverse models and improved observations
14.00 Karstens – Regional-scale atmospheric inversion estimates of European CH4 and N2O emissions
14.15 Pandey – Using satellite derived CH4 – CO2 columns in CH4 flux inversions
14.30 Brunner – Top-down estimation of European halocarbon emissions with four independent inversion systems
14.45 Hensen – The Cabauw Emission indicator for the Netherlands
15.00 Our Final InGOS Coffee Break