20-27 Sept 2014, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
The International Space Science Institute’s (ISSI) Working Group on “Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation: How to Consistently Assimilate Multiple Data Streams” is organizing an Autumn School on ‘Data Assimilation in Biogeochemical Cycles’. The location will be the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics(ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. The Autumn School will take place from 20 September until 27 September, 2014.
Scope: The Autumn School will support the training of young scientists building the next generation’s researcher in the growing field of data assimilation in biogeochemical cycle science. It will be organised as a 6-day long school with two 1.5 hours blocks of lectures in the morning and two 1.5 hours blocks of exercises in the afternoon. Topics to be covered include biogeochemical cycles in the Earth System, modelling of dynamical systems, data assimilation methods and its application in biogeochemical modelling. Students have the opportunity to present their work during a poster session.
Target Audience: The school is mainly oriented at Early Career Scientists (i.e. experienced PhD students and young scientist within their first PostDoc) with a maximum of 40 participants.
Provisional list of lecturers:
Frederic Chevalier, LSCE, France
Martin Heimann, MPI for Biogeochemistry, Germany
Sander Houweling, SRON, Netherlands
Fortunat Joos, University of Bern, Switzerland
Thomas Kaminski, FastOpt, Germany
Anna Michalak, Stanford, USA
Andreas Oschlies, GEOMAR, Germany
Bernard Pinty, JRC, Italy
Peter Rayner, U Melbourne, Australia
Marko Scholze, Lund University, Sweden
Sönke Zaehle, MPI for Biogeochemistry, Germany
Registration is open until 1st May 2014 and includes submission of a short CV, motivation letter (max 1 page), and names and contact details of two referees!
Applicants will be informed on their admission to the Autumn School in June 2014. Register here!
Costs and funding: Most of the costs (accommodation, catering, organization and lectures) will be covered by ESF TTORCH funds with co-funding from INGOS and iLEAPS. The students will have to arrange and pay themselves the travel and its costs. In exceptional cases limited funds are available to provide financial support to cover travel costs. Students are advised to contact one of the organisers (Martin Heimann, Martin.Heimann@bgc-jena.mpg.de, or Marko Scholze, marko.scholze@nateko.lu.se) for financial support.