You are all invited to contribute InGOS related work to the EGU GA meeting! All info concerning this meeting can be found on the special EGU 2013 web page. Abstract submission deadline is January 9, 2013! Please don’t forget to acknowledge the InGOS project in your poster or presentation, using the phrase:
“The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) in the InGOS project under grant agreement n° 284274”
Some sessions relevant to InGOS are:
AS1.19 “Advances in Lagrangian Modelling of the Atmosphere”
Link to session info
Convenors: Harald Sodemann, Ignacio Pisso and Petra Seibert.
This is a new session at EGU, aiming to build upon the AGU Chapman conference, Grindelwald 2011. Contributions presenting advances in the development of Lagrangian transport and dispersion modelling in the atmosphere, model validation, inverse modelling, and numerous other applications will be accepted.
BG2.10 Climate extremes, ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles
link to session info
Conveners: Markus Reichstein, Michael Bahn, Yiqi Luo, Dorothea Frank.
This session will describe responses of ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles to climate extremes and variability, and identify related feedback mechanisms from the biosphere to the climate system. We welcome conceptual, observational, experimental and modeling approaches, and studies from the local to the global scale. While the conveners are more familiar with terrestrial systems, contributions from aquatic systems would be very welcome as well
The venue: Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April 2013.
BG1.6 – Towards a full greenhouse gas balance of the biosphere (terrestrial & aquatic ecosystems)
link to session info
Convenors: Lutz Merbold, Bert Gielen, Christian Bruemmer, Donatella Zona, Timo Vesala, Tonya DelSontro, Penelope Serrano-Ortiz
This session will go beyond CO2 and instead focus on the investigation of methane (CH4) and/or nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from different ecosystems globally with a broader goal of synthesizing the current research in terrestrial and aquatic systems. Given the fact that both CH4 and N2O emissions from land and water bodies (lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and streams) can easily offset known carbon sinks (when converted to CO2-eq.), and that knowledge on the drivers of CH4/N2O as well as their temporal and spatial variability is still lacking, we encourage measuring, monitoring and modeling studies of both of these greenhouse gases from either the terrestrial or aquatic environments. Studies that focus on testing hypotheses, isolating mechanisms and processes, upscaling, and identifying knowledge gaps are of particular interest. While studies that already integrate terrestrial and aquatic GHG budgets would be ideal for this session, studies that present only one or the other are still strongly encouraged as they will highlight and open up discussions regarding the lack of interaction between the two sides.
ERE5.1: Measurement of Greenhouse Gases at the Urban Scale
Link to session info
Convenors: E. Crosson, P. Ciais.
The measurement of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from urban centers in Europe and the U.S. is of extreme interest to academic researchers, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and industry. This interest is being driven by the fact that the identification and quantification of GHG emissions enable policy makers to make informed, metrics-based decisions and to incentivize changes in transportation and land use patterns In addition, anticipated regulatory changes to GHG emissions requirements, as well as recent claims by the natural gas industry that natural gas is the clean fuel of the future, have given rise to even more interest.
Utilizing a variety of measurement tools, including networks of analyzers, flux measurements, and measurements taken by aircraft and cars, just to name a few, knowledge about urban-scale GHG emissions is quickly growing.
This session is open to those focused on efforts to measure and quantify GHG emissions at the facility-level, the neighborhood-level, and also at city and regional scales. To this end, we welcome those involved with GHG concentration and emissions measurements around urban centers to present their work. In addition, because it is a very fast growing area, plans to develop such measurement capabilities around specific cities or regions are also welcomed. It is hoped that the session will bring together many researchers, and even policy makers, who are interested in pooling resources and collaborating on such projects.
Please be aware that the last date for submission of abstracts is 9 January 2013, and that EGU only accepts abstracts for which a processing fee of 40 Euro has been paid (this policy is not within the responsability of convenors).