The ICOS Carbon Portal, hosted by a Dutch-Swedish consortium, is organising a scoping workshop for the generation of L3 products to be included in the ICOS Carbon Portal.
The workshop will be held in Lund, February 19-20, 2014.
The workshop will discuss how the ICOS Carbon Portal can facilitate the generation of flux maps from ICOS measurements and coordinate its inclusion in the ICOS Carbon Portal. Its outcome will consist in a roadmap that summarizes the role of the Carbon Portal in facilitating the L3 product generation as well as the protocol for delivering and synthesising L3 products.
The scope of the workshop includes the assimilation of all types of ICOS carbon measurements (not only mixing ratios, but also NEE and pCO2) to generate elaborated products such as carbon flux and concentration maps with results from ecosystem and inverse modelling, data assimilation, atmospheric concentration datasets, and derived ecosystem properties.
A preliminary agenda and as well as a map of the city of Lund with the location of the venue, Geocentre II, Lund University, and information about hotels within walking distance. For travelling to Lund you can find more information here:
Deadline for registration is 31 January 2014.
As space is limited please register as soon as possible to ensure your participation by filling in this registration form: